Below are some of the comments and questions we have received in one form or another. Whenever names of senders are used, their names and any identifying details have been changed to maintain anonymity.


Loved your article on fathers and sons, Larry. Would like to have shared a beer with your dad.

Mountain Brook, Alabama 

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Mr. Taunton,

Thank you for your continued work. I was encouraged to hear that you had not permanently given up your important vocation as a result of your error.

Let this encourage you: I was an atheist undergraduate at Oxford University and was a huge fan of Richard Dawkins at the time you organized “The God Delusion Debate.” That debate demolished my atheist faith, causing me deep disillusion. After a period I became a Christian and, later, a lawyer.

What you do matters. If we all quit when we sin, who would be left?

London, UK

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Hi Larry,

I always enjoy your contributions, but I am afraid on this occasion [i.e., the explanation Pastor David Platt offered for his prayer for President Trump] you are wrong. Indeed if you read your original article you will see that because you were right then and wrong now

I accept that some of the commentators may have been over blunt, but this pastor is a coward. ‘Coward’ is not a swear word or blasphemous. It is simply a description of a certain type of person. This this pastor displayed cowardice and he deserves to be called out for it. 

Yours ever,

Atlanta, Georgia

Larry’s response:

Thank you, Steven, for your interest and for your thoughtful feedback.

Permit me to caution you here. I think we must be careful about leveling such accusations, especially toward our brothers and sisters in Christ, casually and in public. We can’t know with certainty his heart in the matter but my sense is that he was trying to pastor his flock and help them to understand his decision to pray for Trump lest they “stumble” over it (Romans 14:13). And I am extremely reluctant to accuse a man, any man, of cowardice, even if I think him guilty of it.

Besides, he isn’t a coward. Getting up Sunday after Sunday and proclaiming the truth of Scripture takes at least some measure of courage, and by many accounts, that is what he does. It is easy to sit on the sidelines and say what this or that person should have said or done. What is cowardly, however, is people who go online and make anonymous accusations and hateful comments.

As an aside, had I thought him guilty of cowardice — and let me underscore that I did not think that here — I would not have written an article calling him out. I would have instead hoped that his friends and peers encouraged him and supported him because that is what he would have needed, not my public censure. Think about it. As my wife, Lauri, recently wrote in a blog, when Peter committed one of the worst sins of all — denying Christ in a truly cowardly fashion — what did Jesus say to him when he first saw him? Did he pile on? No, he encouraged him and said, “Feed my sheep.”

And one final thought while we are on the topic of courage. Had Platt been guilty of cowardice as you allege – and I again stress that I do not believe that – I would still respect him more than most sitting in the pews. That is because I have much higher regard for those who have the courage to engage the fight, even if they shrink from it when the pressure is on or they suffer setbacks, than I do for the vast majority of Christians who never engage it at all or who sit back and dispense judgments on those of us who are in the front lines. That is the worst sort of cowardice.

*     *     *     *     *

(In response to “The Conservative’s Guide to Understanding Media.”)

Mr. Taunton,

Excellent article on the media. I have so many mixed feelings about Trump, but one thing he’s done is to make the bias of the media so much more visible.

I’m grateful that you have redirected your focus to writing and interviews and away from debates. Very good move in my humble opinion. Great interview with Eric Metaxas. 


Birmingham, Alabama

*     *     *     *     *

(In response to Lauri’s blog post “God’s Grace vs. Man’s Judgment.”)

Dear Larry and Lauri,

I confess that I was one of those who rejoiced that you both stayed together but did not really know how far grace was to be extended. Isn’t that unbelievably ignorant of me! I still had the stone in my hand!

I apologize!! I am so convicted by the Lord – How great Thou art!! I hope that you both will forgive me. We are not close friends, I have not spoken out against you, I have said the proper thing that it is great that you have reconciled but my heart was not rejoicing at the way God used His grace to draw Larry to repentance and to redeem your marriage – it is amazing grace!

Thank you both for allowing God to use you in such a public way. I sit here crying and being very grateful that God does extend grace to you and to me.

Lauri, thank you for writing your 2-part piece on grace. I look forward to reading more as I need to learn more about living out His grace.

Larry, thank you for continuing to speak and write. My mind is always opened to clearer thinking when I read your pieces.

I hope that you both forgive me.

Your sister,

Homewood, Alabama

Larry’s and Lauri’s response:

Thank you, Gina, for your email. What you have said is meaningful to us. More importantly, it reflects the power and the heart of the Christian gospel.

*     *     *     *     *

(In response to “Band of Brothers, Part 3: Into the Void.”)

I love your blogs! Have you ever considered a podcast?

Vancouver, Canada

Larry’s response:

Thank you, Amber. A podcast is in the works. But I don’t want to start doing it until I am really ready to commit to doing it well.

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(In response to “The Man Who Redeemed Winston Churchill.”)

Dear Larry,

Thank you for the interesting articles. I especially liked the one on Churchill, a historical figure I find fascinating. Our God is sovereign and good. We owe Him continual and eternal gratitude for sure! God bless!

New York City

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I really benefitted from the “Conservative’s Guide to Understanding Media.” It was insightful.


Huntsville, Alabama

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Your commentary is inane!!


*     *     *     *     *


Thank you on your recent follow-up article concerning our president and the Baptist pastor. I really enjoyed your first article but when I read the comments [made by others at the end of the article] I was disappointed in all the self-righteous, hate-filled comments. 

You put a good light on that. 

Thanks again. Looking forward for more great articles. 

Wilmington, NC 

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(In response to “Band of Brothers, Part 4: TAPS.”)


Your tale of this tragic episode was and is spell-binding. Although the human body can be fragile, stories of what men can endure shows a toughness that is nothing short of incredible.  Thank you for sharing this.

Lubbock, Texas

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So, the next time you feel the bile of self-righteousness rising in your throat, swallow hard and recall this simple fact: your sins, no matter how insignificant you judge them to be, required Jesus to die for them so that you might have eternal life.”

Best paragraph ever!

Denver, Colorado

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Your [4-part] “Band of Brothers” series was AWESOME! Loved it!

Birmingham, Alabama

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I just listened to your interview on the Eric Metaxas show. Loved it and was very thankful that an educated, insightful man from Alabama was seen and heard in New York. Thank you for your example of people from the South who do not kill the King’s English and can speak with reason!



Mountain Brook, Alabama

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Thank you for the great work you have been doing. It’s been of encouragement for other Christians including myself in far flung places like Australia.

Your friendship with Christopher Hitchens is repeated many times over with other Christians globally as they nurture relationships with their atheist and agnostic friends. I am quite certain that this is often where serious evangelism takes place in a one-on-one situation – many Christians fail to take those important opportunities as you did. It was just so ordained that yours was with a very public figure who was “the poster boy” for a counter-spiritual movement to God. Your public documentation of that was helpful if not for that alone but also for the vociferous opposition you encountered and generated.

The opposition from their supporters to even hint of wavering of their “gods” is quite an eye-opener but exhibits the same modus operandi with Antony Flew’s late-life conversion to deism and Alfred Ayers’ account of a near-death experience. I’m sure you have your own personal thoughts as to what Christopher Hitchens actually did in his last moments but I would be grateful for your thoughts on the significant stumbling blocks that prevented him from taking that very important step of repentance – it would seem that the courage and the humility for an about-face turnaround that is required is too much of a demand for many to accept. That is so sad.

I also wanted to express my appreciation for your open and frank honesty when you were temporarily derailed – I was initially shocked but upon further reflection I was not surprised. The tactics that Satan uses in his attempt to ‘immobilise’ Christians and their ministry in their weaker moments is not original but a powerful lesson in itself for the need of praying without ceasing and the perpetual offer of grace for each and every challenge that life throws up at us. I’m sure the wounds were devastating for you, your wife and all those close and dear to you. I suspect as you look back, you think to yourself that, “There was really no other alternative,” but not everyone has taken that step. Thanks for taking the brave and honest moves you did. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family with His presence and grace.

God bless from Down Under,

Melbourne, Australia

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Larry and “guest columnist” Lauri –

What a terrific article on grace. How often do I “bestow” forgiveness all while continuing to hold a grudge and hold the other guy’s past over his head. Heaven forbid that I can’t continue to extract a pound of flesh even as I offer forgiveness out of the other side of my mouth!!!

Lauri, your point in the examples you used was so obvious, yet so overlooked. Grace. Unfettered grace.

Thank you, Lauri, for writing that.

Birmingham, Alabama

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(In response to “The Conservative’s Guide to Understanding Media.”)


Great compilation, good points to hopefully a growing audience. You are a good and gifted person that I was led to via the picture of the nun after your biking accident. (Oh, the power of the Habit.) Your public contrition was equally impressive and humbling especially for all of us who sin AND believe in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Thank you!

Memphis, Tennessee

*     *     *     *     *

(In response to “Band of Brothers, Part 4: TAPS.”)

“Thank you for sharing this story of the 8th Ranger Company. I trained and served with the 9th Ranger Co. and am well acquainted with the trials we went through to serve. I am interested in how you were able to obtain the history of the Ranger Companies, as there is not too much available and I would like to access it if possible. One of my company’s members, Donn Porter, received the Congressional Medal of Honor for his service in Korea.

Thank you,

Ranger William
Greenville, South Carolina

Larry’s response:

Dear William,

It thrills me to get an email from a Korean War Ranger. You must be one of the few still alive! Thank you for your service.

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Dear Mr. Taunton,

Saw the program and you were brilliant with Socrates in the City. I read your articles in the American Spectator.

Riverside, California

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(In response to Lauri’s blog post “God’s Grace vs. Man’s Judgment” and Larry’s column in The American Spectator How Many of History’s Famous Men Would Survive Modern Standards?”)

Great word Lauri!

And Larry enjoyed the satire (or is it too true to be satire) on how great men would have fared in today’s world. Have had similar thoughts to historical figures, military leaders and even coaches. 

Keep up the good work…you ARE my man in the field!

Vestavia Hills, Alabama

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(In response to “When the lines are blurred between animal and human life”)

Dear Mr. Taunton,

My husband and I laughed out loud at your response to the atheist in the debate in Seattle! To be so quick on your feet to retort “Children aren’t sh*t” had us on the floor!

Los Angeles, California

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Thank you for standing up to these horrible proponents of abortion. Murder at its worst. But God cares for these little ones. They are home with Him now.

Guntersville, Alabama

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Agree wholeheartedly [with the article on abortion] but I think the Jim Carey drawing was of a vacuum rather than forceps.

Tallahassee, Florida

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(In response to “Don’t Underestimate Millennials” for Fox News)

Your son Zachery [sic] is not only smart and a go-getter, he is also very good looking!

Birmingham, Alabama

Larry’s response:

Natalie, I am sure he will enjoy reading that.

*     *     *     *     *

(In response to Ben Shapiro’s interview on BBC and Larry’s defense of Shapiro.)

Dear Larry,

I watched the interview by Andrew Neil of Ben Shapiro and frankly I found Shapiro bumptious, arrogant, full of his own self-importance with his sharp tongued rapid-fire talking over Neil just plain rude. I thought that if this was the best America could do as far as thoughtful contribution from the right was concerned then good conservatism was lost.  I’m afraid angry young men will not win the field though they may shed a lot of blood in minor skirmishes. 

With Sadness,

London, UK

Larry Alex Taunton is an author, cultural commentator, and freelance columnist contributing to USA TODAYFox NewsFirst ThingsThe AtlanticCNN, and The American Spectator.  In addition to being a frequent radio and television guest, he is also the author of The Grace  Effect and The Gospel Coalition Arts and Culture Book of the Year, The Faith of Christopher Hitchens. You can subscribe to his blog at