A battle rages for the heart and soul of America.
For some, America—imperfect as she is—stands out as an exception in a world wrecked by the triple threat of socialism, globalism, and multiculturalism. For them, America is, in the words of Abraham Lincoln, “the last best hope on earth.”
For others, the idea of American exceptionalism is dead. They never tire of lecturing us about how out-of-step America is with the rest of the world and how she needs to get with it. Worse, America, they say, is bad for the world. Her freedom and prosperity are merely historical accidents.
Award-winning author, columnist, and cultural commentator Larry Alex Taunton decided to put that notion to the test by literally going around the world to see how America stacks-up against twenty-six countries. What did he find?
The answer lies at the heart of a winner-take-all contest featuring two very different visions for America.
“America—the freest, most tolerant and inclusive nation on earth—is under siege by radicals who make no effort to conceal their determination to destroy it. Larry Alex Taunton has provided patriotic Americans with a powerful weapon to defeat our enemies. Buy this book to arm yourself for the defense of your freedoms. Buy a second copy for a friend.”
—David Horowitz, author of Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America
“To truly understand how and why America is exceptional you could travel to country after country and see for yourself. You might even want to write a brilliant book about it! But lucky for you my friend, Larry Alex Taunton has done all the traveling for you—think of the money you’ve saved!—and has written that brilliant book, making the case so clear that you owe it to yourself to grab a copy and read it! Please do!”
—Eric Metaxas, host of The Eric Metaxas Show; author of Bonhoeffer and If You Can Keep It
“The problem with being an American is that familiarity too often breeds contempt because we see our faults up close and take our virtues and blessings for granted. Larry has provided a cure by lifting us up out of America, and taking us on a long and insightful tour of the world to see how other places actually stack up. Take the tour with him, and gain some very much needed perspective. You may find—as he did—there’s no place like home.”
—Benjamin Wiker, Ph.D., author of 10 Books That Screwed Up the World
“Larry Taunton—historian, columnist, and a man of abiding Christian faith—traveled (often at great risk to himself) to twenty-six nations in order to hold a mirror up to the United States of America and ask: Is America Good and is America Great? Mark Twain did much the same more than a century ago. Twain’s and Taunton’s conclusions are identical: There is no place—literally No Place—like home. Around the World in (More Than) 80 Days is fabulous. It’s going on my shelf next to The Innocents Abroad.”
—Paul Reid, co-author with William Manchester, The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Defender of the Realm, 1940-1965