At the Box Office

Latest Recommendations From time to time, we will offer you our movie and television reviews and recommendations. This is not an effort to replace the Siskels & Eberts of the world. It is just our thoughts on what we have seen and whether we think it was time well spent.

Bishop Zhumbes Update

Nigerian Bishop Jwan Zhumbes has had a difficult time. Many of you will know that he came to this country at our invitation to address Christian persecution. While here, he complained of stomach pains and so we had him examined by a GI specialist. Much to our shock, he was

The Top Ten

We love college football. We are from the South and that means we simply cannot help it. Sweet tea, BBQ, and football are all in our DNA. This is the best playoff field since the beginning of the playoff system. For the last three years all of the talk going into the season