Articles The Full Fathom Five Blog
There Is Hope
Where are we to find hope amidst our suffering and that of others? Christmas is a reminder of the only real hope any of us have.
Where are we to find hope amidst our suffering and that of others? Christmas is a reminder of the only real hope any of us have.
You are Free to Get Vaccinated—or Not I have been vaccine-article-hesitant for almost a year. It’s a daunting issue. But recent developments, two in particular, have flushed me out: vaccine passports and those who make dubious scriptural arguments to support the government’s vaccine mandate. Let’s start with the latter. Recently, Read more…
These are the people whose opinions on politics and culture you should ignore
Kristol is the only non-Christian on our list. Of Jewish descent—I do not know if he is an observant Jew or not—Kristol made his name as the founder and editor of The Weekly Standard and as a Fox News commentator. In collaborating with the conquering Nazi regime, Marshal Philippe Pétain Read more…
This one pains me. I voted for “Dubya.” Twice. Bush began cuddling up to Democrats—literally—not long after he left office. Why? Was this an attempt to save a tattered legacy in the wake of his failed policies in the Middle East? Or was it a quid pro quo with Democrats Read more…
I like Beth Moore. I confess that I have not had much opportunity to hear her speak, and never in person. But I did pick up one of her books at a secondhand store some years ago and I found it quite helpful. Most of all, I appreciated her honesty Read more…
This one is puzzling to me. In 2007, Moore and I were the featured speakers at a conference in Birmingham, Alabama. He was then, as I recall, Dean of the School of Theology at Southern Seminary in Louisville where he was a protégé to Al Mohler who was/is the seminary’s Read more…
For the uninitiated, Tim Keller is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, a successful confessional church in what many Christians regard as the heart of darkness. Keller is also a bestselling author who does not shrink from dipping his toes into political waters as so Read more…
The Dispatch editor’s principles are the problem David French is typical of a kind of Christian thinking that New York Post opinion editor Sohrab Ahmari calls “French-ism.” In a takedown of The Dispatch writer for First Things, Ahmari describes French-ism as “more a persuasion or a sensibility than a movement Read more…