Interviews The Full Fathom Five Blog
Larry’s Interview on The Tom Barnard Show
Larry is here interviewed by Tom Barnard on Minneapolis’s Sports Talk on everything from Tom Brady to dodgeball. This is a fun interview. Enjoy it! LISTEN NOW
Larry is here interviewed by Tom Barnard on Minneapolis’s Sports Talk on everything from Tom Brady to dodgeball. This is a fun interview. Enjoy it! LISTEN NOW
On Tuesday, President Trump addressed the United Nations and shocking to no one save Left-of-center news agencies, he expressed his strong belief in his own economic policies; in America—its people, way of life, and the Constitution which governs it; and in business enterprise as a path to freedom and prosperity. Trump’s Read more…
New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick was the man I’d been looking for. I needed keen insights, and only he could provide them. Belichick was famous for analyzing the game film of opposing teams, identifying their strategies and beating them. His team, once again, was about to play in Read more…
Larry discusses illegal immigration, the philosophy behind the open borders push, “The Great American Melting Pot,” Islam, and other things with CL Bryant on his nationally syndicated radio show. LISTEN NOW
Why is the Left so danged mean? Why do they scream and chant insults rather than treat civilly those with whom they disagree? Why do they harry, hector, and harass, rather than discuss calmly? Smear opponents rather than honestly investigate issues? Resort to violent protests that destroy public property rather Read more…
A German woman decided she needed a new car. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any money to buy one. “Kein problem,” she thought. She simply went to her ink jet printer and made 15,000€ worth of copies of an actual 50€ Euro note. Thus armed, she went to the local dealership Read more…
In July 2012 I was speaking at a youth retreat in the mountains of Tennessee when I received a call from CNN. It seemed that Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy had publicly commented on the issue of same-sex marriage and now the gay mafia were out to destroy him and his Read more…