The Bull Evaluation Center

The LGBTQ Mafia Blitzes Drew Brees
This week, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was sacked from the blindside by a headline in Big Easy Magazine reading: “Drew Brees records video for Anti-LGBTQ religious organization.” In fact, Brees had recorded a 23-second video for Focus on the Family promoting National Bring Your Bible to School Day.

Larry goes out to meet the judges at the BEC and gets the grand tour!
A couple of months ago, we added this section to the weekly news update. The idea came to me when I was driving along a rural Alabama road and saw the above sign. Seeing the humorous application of it, I stopped, snapped a pic, and the cultural version of The

The Mayor of New York City has another (bad) idea
London traffic is among the worst in the world. Not so long ago, there was traffic, yes, but you could still get from one side of the city to the other safely and efficiently in one of London’s famed black cabs. No more. Now to get only a few blocks

Bernie Sanders Learns the True Cost of Socialism
Winston Churchill once said of socialism, “I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.” That pretty much sums it up. Socialism is a Ponzi scheme, and like all

How to Buy a Car With No Money
A German woman decided she needed a new car. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any money to buy one. “Kein problem,” she thought. She simply went to her ink jet printer and made 15,000€ worth of copies of an actual 50€ Euro note. Thus armed, she went to the local dealership

The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump
The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump I confess that I have not read this book. But I want to. The very concept of this book, the audacity of it, both cracks me up and earns my admiration. Author Robert Sears compiles the tweets, speeches, and interviews of President Trump and